Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Rise and Shine Bears,

Well to be honest, Bears, today was a little hard at our house.  I think everyone is getting tired of being together so much.  How are you doing, Bears?

Challenge 8 :

Today's challenge is to write a story to match the picture below.  Your story could be one sentence or several.  You could even come up with a meme for the picture.  Be as creative as you would like!

Did You Know?

A dime has 118 ridges around the edge.  Try and count them today!
2019 D BU Roosevelt Dime Choice Uncirculated US Mint at Amazon's ...

Monday, March 30, 2020

March 31, 2020

Rise and Shine Bears,

    It was another beautiful day, Bears.  Brynlee and I spent most of the day outside.  We created a
chalk stained glass window on the driveway.  What have you created lately?

Challenge 7:

Did You Know?

Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

March 30, 2020

Rise and Shine Bears,

It was a beautiful weekend, Brynlee and I spent Saturday evening riding bikes and scooters.    Brynlee and her brothers invented a game called, Change It Up.  They each rode something different and when someone yelled, “Change it up” they all jumped off their rides and grabbed a different one.  Have you made up any games recently?

Challenge 6:

There are 293 ways to make change for one dollar.  How many different ways can you find?

Did You Know?

A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

March 27, 2020

Rise and Shine Bears,

Well Bears, Brynlee and I  have to admit being home all day is starting to get a little boring.   We sure could use some ideas on how to pass the time.  What are your favorite ways to spend the day?  Please share your ideas below.

Challenge 5:

Did You Know?

When you sleep you can’t smell anything, even really really bad smells.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

March 26, 2020

Rise and Shine Bears,

     Brynlee and I were stuck inside all day yesterday but we made the most of it.  We spent lots of time with our two dogs, Belle and Gus.   Belle is a two year old Boxer and Gus is a five month old Boston Terrier.  Both dogs love to cuddle and are very silly.  Do you have any pets?    

Challenge 4:

Every week, Jeffrey cleans out the wishing well in the park.  Use the clues to figure out how much money he found this week.

1.  He finds at least one penny, one nickel, and one dime.
2.  He has a total of 14 coins.
3.  The coins add up to 56 cents.
4.  He has more nickels than dimes.
5.  He has the same number of pennies as nickels.

Did You Know?

More than 480 million people have played Monopoly!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Rise and Shine Bears,

     Brynlee and I spent a lot of time outside yesterday.  We played tennis and Brynlee did her favorite thing, jump rope.  We even wrote a message in chalk on the driveway so people walking by knew we were wishing them well.  What message would you write in chalk?  Leave us your message in the comments.  

Challenge 2 Answer:13
Looks like we need a harder challenge problem, everyone got it right.   Keep up the good work, Bears!

Challenge 2:

How Do You Hide An Elephant?

You probably can’t hide an elephant in your room but you can hide one in a sentence.  Let’s try one.  

Can you find the word, goat in the following sentence?
Lisa will go at dinner time.

Here are a few more, can you find these animals in the sentences below.

       owl,  deer,   kitten

1.    Jay did kick it ten times in a row.

2.    Mrs. Dee read a book to the class.

3.    What a big bowl of noodles you have?

Your turn:
Write a sentence that hides an elephant.

Did You Know?

Before 1913, parents could mail their children to grandma’s house through the Postal Service.

Monday, March 23, 2020

March 24, 2020

Rise and Shine Bears,

     I’m sure everyone knows the rest of the school year has been canceled.  This is a sad time for Brynlee and I.  Brynlee is going to miss Ms. Southard and all her classmates and I am going to miss seeing and hearing all of you, Bears.   One  thing I love about my classroom is it is right by the recess door.  This means I get to see almost every student at Bennett everyday and so many of you give me a wave or a smile each day.  We will see each other again soon, Bears and until then keep checking our blog to stay in touch.

Challenge 2:

Look at the picture below.  How many triangles can you see?  Leave your answer in the comments below.  Check back tomorrow for the right answer.

Did You Know?

A lightning bolt is five times hotter than the sun.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Monday, March 23, 2020

Rise and Shine Bears,

     This is Mrs. Duggan and her daughter, Brynlee.  We wanted to send a hello to everyone and tell you about our new blog.  It's called, Rise and Shine Bears and each day we will post a special message to you!  We will also provide a challenge activity and an interesting fact for the day.  We hope you like our blog, feel free to leave us comments below.

Challenge 1:  

Six-Word Memoir   
Ernest Hemingway, Author

Legend has it that Ernest Hemingway was once challenged to write a story in only six words.  His response?  "For sale: baby shoes, never worn."   In November 2006, Larry Smith, founder of SMITH Magazine, gave the six-word novel a personal twist by asking his community to describe their lives in exactly six words.

We are challenging you, Bears, to tell us how you spent your last week with no school in only six words!  *Leave your answers in the comments below.*

Mrs. Duggan    
Spending time, watching three kids play

Lonely girl, stuck with two brothers

Did You Know?

It's impossible for most people to lick their own elbow.  (Try it!)