Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Rise and Shine Bears,

Well to be honest, Bears, today was a little hard at our house.  I think everyone is getting tired of being together so much.  How are you doing, Bears?

Challenge 8 :

Today's challenge is to write a story to match the picture below.  Your story could be one sentence or several.  You could even come up with a meme for the picture.  Be as creative as you would like!

Did You Know?

A dime has 118 ridges around the edge.  Try and count them today!
2019 D BU Roosevelt Dime Choice Uncirculated US Mint at Amazon's ...


  1. Josh: Help! says Woody. Get us out of here! No! says Buzz. Everybody is quarantined. We just wanted to say hi.

  2. Hi Josh! Don't you feel a little like these toys, right about now? I know I do.

  3. GET US OUT WE ARE BEING BASHED AGAINST THE WALL BE CAUSE OUR CHILD IS BORED says woody im litterly the child in this because im pretty much bored this was brandon mollinedo

  4. Buzz Lightyear is hanging onto the porch roof to save himself. Slinky is trying to help him. Woody and Jesse are in the window. They're trying to get out to help. ET is winking in the other window. He's trying to barge into Toy Story, because he's upset that there's not an ET 2!
