Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April 2, 2020

Rise and Shine Bears,

So, we fell for an April Fools Day joke today.  It was one that said all the students had to repeat the grade they were in last year.  Could you imagine?  Brynlee and I were relieved it was just a prank.

Challenge 9 :

Brynlee did something really fun today.   She read a book and then built the setting out of LEGOS.  So your challenge is to take whatever book you are reading and build the setting.  You could draw it, use LEGOS, cardboard, or anything else.  Let's see how creative you can get!  Tell us about your creation in the comments.

The Beach. By: Brynlee

Did You Know?
Snail - Wikipedia

Snails take the longest naps.  They can sleep for up to 3 years!


  1. Josh: Climbing Mount Everest
    How do I load the picture?

  2. well i sorta did this a couple of days ago just look in the past challenges but i will say again what i built spaceship ,star wars movie scene , a jeep, and so on

  3. I built a Lego reenactment from the "I survived" series, "The Great Chicago Fire"
