Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Happy Cinco de Mayo!  To celebrate Cinco de Mayo, Brynlee and I will be eating tacos tonight.  We think it's funny that it is also Taco Tuesday.  Are you doing anything to celebrate today?

Challenge #23

Can you figure out the answer to any of these?  Is there one right answer?

  • Why is a seed like a sculpture?
  • How is photosynthesis like a river?
  • How is government like a blueprint?

Did You Know?

The world's longest French fry is 34-inches long.


  1. Brandon:a seed is like a sculpture because eventually it gets taller

  2. Photosynthesis is like a river because of how some are smooth and how some a rough rides. It will go for a long time and then to a stop. (sorry if it doesnt make sense)
