Sunday, April 26, 2020

Thanks to everyone who is leaving comments, it is great to hear your ideas.  The one thing I miss the most while being away from school is hearing all your stories.  Boy, do I miss you all!

Challenge #19

Today I want you to work on your fluency skills.  Set the timer for 10 minutes,  how many places can you think of to hide yourself?  Share a few of your most unique answers in the comments.

Brynlee:  "In a tree."            Mrs. Duggan:  "In a book."

Did You Know?

Most people fall asleep in seven minutes. (Not me!)


  1. Two of mine were in a Washing Machine and in the Darkness. -Tyler Presgrave

  2. I would hide inbetween the sofas, in the garage, outside, under my desk, or behind the highchair.

  3. Welcome back Josh, I hadn’t heard from you in a couple days🙂

    1. Sorry. My mom was having trouble with website but figured it out.

    2. No need to apologize, I'm just glad you're back!

  4. I named 23 places to hide. One was behind the washing machine

  5. i found 28 places to hide some are plain sight ,in a bank, under a blanket, in a restaurant meal ,in a bulk chip bag from costco, in a video game, behind a magazine this was Brandon Ϛ-:

  6. Plan sight, interesting. Sometimes that is the best place to hide.
