Monday, April 27, 2020

Our family spends time each day reading.  Brynlee is reading, Junie B. Jones Monkey Business and I am reading, Michael Jordan, The Life.  What book are you reading?

Challenge #20

Write down what you see, think, and wonder about the picture below.

Did You Know?

The wind is silent until it blows against something.  


  1. Josh: I see the elephant is trying to climb over the car. I think that the elephant may crush the car. I wonder if the elephant will get hurt or if there is someone in the car. Also if the person in the car gets hurt.

  2. I see an elephant going over a car.
    I wonder how tall real elephants are.
    I wonder if the car can go under the elephants belly.
    I wonder if the elephant is going to pee on on the car.
    I wonder if there are people in the car.
    I wonder if the car is stuck under the elephant.

  3. i think the driver did not have a license
    i see a angry elephant
    i wonder if it was the elephants fault or the driver
    i think someone should meme this
    i wonder if its uncomfortable for the elephant
    i wonder if brandon wrote this message oh wait he did :)
