Thursday, April 30, 2020

Well Bears, life gets crazy sometimes, doesn't it?  Brynlee and I are sorry for missing the blog yesterday.  We keep losing track of time, not having a set schedule is hard.  Is anyone else having this problem?

Challenge #21

What could you do with a stick?  See if you can come up with the most original idea.  Share your idea in the comments.

Did You Know?

The smallest country in the world takes up .2 square miles, it is the Vatican City.   


  1. decorate it in pine cones and other things you can find then voila you have a toy

  2. I would find a stick that is shaped like a Y. Then add a rubber band to it to create a slingshot.

    1. That's a good idea. You could test it with different size rubber bands to see if the size of the rubber band effects the distance the object travels.

  3. I would find one that is shaped like a gun and play around with it. My dad used to do this -Tyler Presgrave

  4. I would also sharpen them to make knives and swords.
