Thursday, May 21, 2020

I'm a little late on my post today.  It's been a BUSY morning.  Brynlee has been in her ZOOM meeting and I have had ZOOM training.  We can't wait to get back to normal learning!

Challenge #30

Would you rather shovel snow for an hour or rake leaves?

   I would rather shovel snow.  I feel like when I rake leaves, more continue to fall and it never looks like I actually raked.   

Did You Know?

Electronic computers were developed around the 1940s and were the size of a large room. Today, computers have gotten so small that they have been embedded into other things like microwaves, toys, cell phones, etc.

*We didn't get our first computer until I was in middle school and this is what it looked like.*


  1. I would rather rake leaves because of how in the fall I do it an hour a day and I am used to it. Shoveling snow in my opinion is boring and sometimes at my house, there can be snow frozen to ice.

  2. Brandon M:i would rather shovel snow because if you rake leaves then wind blows WOOSH work restarted

  3. I would rather shovel the snow because I like the cold and can play in the snow when I am done.
