Thursday, April 30, 2020

Well Bears, life gets crazy sometimes, doesn't it?  Brynlee and I are sorry for missing the blog yesterday.  We keep losing track of time, not having a set schedule is hard.  Is anyone else having this problem?

Challenge #21

What could you do with a stick?  See if you can come up with the most original idea.  Share your idea in the comments.

Did You Know?

The smallest country in the world takes up .2 square miles, it is the Vatican City.   

Monday, April 27, 2020

Our family spends time each day reading.  Brynlee is reading, Junie B. Jones Monkey Business and I am reading, Michael Jordan, The Life.  What book are you reading?

Challenge #20

Write down what you see, think, and wonder about the picture below.

Did You Know?

The wind is silent until it blows against something.  

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Thanks to everyone who is leaving comments, it is great to hear your ideas.  The one thing I miss the most while being away from school is hearing all your stories.  Boy, do I miss you all!

Challenge #19

Today I want you to work on your fluency skills.  Set the timer for 10 minutes,  how many places can you think of to hide yourself?  Share a few of your most unique answers in the comments.

Brynlee:  "In a tree."            Mrs. Duggan:  "In a book."

Did You Know?

Most people fall asleep in seven minutes. (Not me!)

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Tonight on our families menu is chili.  It is a favorite for us, we love putting cheddar cheese and Fritos on it.  What is your favorite dinner?

Challenge #18

How many animals can you name in one minute?

Did You Know?

Glass balls can bounce higher than rubber ones.  
(I'm having a hard time believing this one.)

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Mason Neck State Park is beautiful, that is where Brynlee and I hiked yesterday.  If you get a chance to go there, take the Valley View Trail.  We walked through the woods and next to the Chesapeake Bay.  It was a great time!

Challenge #17

Here is another creative thinking challenge.  I can't wait to hear what you come up with for this one.

Name 5 things you could do with a 100 pound watermelon

Did You Know?

A shrimp's heart is in its head.  

Rise and Shine Bears,  

Good morning, Bears!  It is beautiful outside today, so  Brynlee and I are going for a hike.  I'm excited to see some new things.  Have you been on any hikes lately?

Challenge #15

Let's try another creative thinking activity.

You have been selected to create your own country.  What would you name it?  What would be some of your laws?  What would make your country different from others?

Did You Know?

A crocodile cannot stick it's tongue out.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Rise and Shine Bears,  

Brynlee and I had such a busy weekend, we didn't realize it was Monday until this afternoon.  Are you losing track of the days like us?  We are going to need do a better job of checking our calendar everyday.

Challenge #15

So far most of the challenges have focused on critical thinking. Today's challenge works on creative thinking.  Be as creative as you'd like to answer the question.

How could a basketball, a broom and a garden gnome help set a trap to catch a thief?  

Did You Know?

Frederick Douglass taught himself to read and write.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

April 17, 2020

Rise and Shine Bears,  

The last couple of days the weather has changed.  It is much colder than it had been.  We are still getting outside everyday, but we are now wearing coats and coming inside quicker than before.  We hope it gets warm again, soon!

Challenge #14

Did You Know?

Applesauce was the first food eatten in space by astronauts.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

April 16, 2020

Rise and Shine Bears,  

Yesterday, my family played Connect Four.  It seems like a simple game, but there is a lot of strategy involved if you want to win.  What is your favorite game to play?

Challenge #13

Did You Know?

The Star Wars creators designed Yoda to look like Albert Einstein.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

April 15, 2020

Rise and Shine Bears,

Today was the first official day of Virtual School.  How did it go for everyone?  We won't lie, it was a little hard for us to get back in the swing of things.  It was hard to be on a schedule after relaxing all spring break.  

Challenge 12:

Word Play

Imagine you live in a world with only 20 words. You can use these 20 words as much as you want, but you cannot use any other words at all.  Use the comment section to tell me your 20 words.

Did You Know?

Hippopotamus milk is pink!    

Monday, April 13, 2020

Rise and Shine Bears,

Brynlee and I did not do too much for Spring Break; mostly just sat outside and enjoyed the beautiful weather.  Well, the truth is I sat a lot and Brynlee rode her scooter and bike with her brothers.  Did you do anything fun over break?

Challenge 11:

Today's challenge is to write an acrostic poem about your Spring Break using the words Spring Break.  

Brynlee's Poem

Going to


Did You Know?

Pumpkins are usually labelled as vegetables but they contain seeds and are technically fruit.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

April 3, 2020

Rise and Shine Bears,

Well Bears, Brynlee and her brother, Tatum came up with something new today.  They called it Dance Party on the driveway.  They turned some Kidz Bop music up really high and danced all over the driveway.  It was great exercise for them and really fun for me to watch!

Challenge 10:

Spring break is next week, so the blog will be on break too.  Before we head off to break, I want to get an idea of how many people are checking the Riseandshinebears  blog.

Your challenge is to write your first name and grade level in the comments below.

Did You Know?

Goats have rectangular pupils in their eyes.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April 2, 2020

Rise and Shine Bears,

So, we fell for an April Fools Day joke today.  It was one that said all the students had to repeat the grade they were in last year.  Could you imagine?  Brynlee and I were relieved it was just a prank.

Challenge 9 :

Brynlee did something really fun today.   She read a book and then built the setting out of LEGOS.  So your challenge is to take whatever book you are reading and build the setting.  You could draw it, use LEGOS, cardboard, or anything else.  Let's see how creative you can get!  Tell us about your creation in the comments.

The Beach. By: Brynlee

Did You Know?
Snail - Wikipedia

Snails take the longest naps.  They can sleep for up to 3 years!